Happy weekend!. How are you doing?. Today, I bring you, on behalf of Kiehl's, the official presentation of the Kiehl's boutique in El Corte Inglés 3 de Mayo (Tenerife) along with the launch of their new product: Powerful Wrinkle Reducing Cream. This boutique has already been open for a couple of months, but they have taken the chance with this opportunity to give us a guided tour throughout the brand's extended product range in a wonderful experience. Keep reading after the jump!
¿Sabías que Kiehl's tiene una gama de productos para hombre?. Es la línea "Facial Fuel", y tiene productos específicos para ellos formulados para un trabajo eficiente en su tipo de piel. Encontramos desde limpiadoras y espumas de afeitado perfectas para las pieles más sensibles, hasta jaboncillos exfoliantes y contornos de ojos que reducen en un grado la temperatura de la piel, trabajando la ojera y las bolsas, descongestionando y calmando la fatiga. Son productos que se han vendido muy bien entre el público masculino, junto con hidratantes efecto lifting y tónicos. Han tenido tanto éxito, que el público femenino también los ha adoptado para sí...
Did you know Kiehl's offers a wide variety of products designed for men?. We're talking about the "Facial Fuel" line, which develops an efficient work on their skin types. We can find cleansers, shaving balms and foams perfect for the most sensitive skins, and exfoliating soap bars and eye creams which lower the skin's temperature in one degree, working on dark circles, bloating and calming fatigue. They have had a great acceptation within the masculine public, along with lifting effect moisturizers and toners. They have been so successful that even the ladies have been trying them out...
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After that, we were introduced Kiehl's newest product: Powerful Wrinkle Reducing Cream. This cream is an anti-aging and repairing product that centers its work in the production of elastin, a basic and fundamental protein for the skin, for it is the one in charge of giving the skin its elasticity. When the elastin fibers break, the wrinkle is formed. At Kiehl's, they have centered themselves in developing a new formula that, apart from deeply hydrating and conditioning with the help of elements such as copper and calcium, repairs and stimulates the production of elastin, providing the skin its natural elasticity. The cream contains apricot seed oil for deep hydration, but there exists a second version of the cream containing shea butter and SPF30 solar filter, which is a plus in protection against the sun for those like me.
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En Kiehl's fueron muy amable con nosotros, y tras la charla informativa, se nos ofrecieron algunos refrigerios que amenizaron más el momento. La guinda la puso el detalle que tuvieron regalándonos una unidad de la Powerful Wrinkle Reducing Cream para probarla. ¡Tendrás una review muy pronto!.
At Kiehl's they were very generous with us, and after the informative speech, we were offered some refreshments and cookies that made the moment even nicer. The cherry on top was the amazing gift we were given, a jar of the Powerful Wrinkle Reducing Cream for us to try it out. You will have a review coming very soon!.
Desde aquí, muchísimas gracias a Kiehl's España por la atención recibida y su interés, junto con el detalle y la consideración que se nos ha dado a todas las bloggers que asistimos al evento. Por mi parte, soy una auténtica fan de la marca, ya he probado varios productos y te enganchan muy fácilmente. Su relación calidad-precio es estupenda y los productos resultan fáciles de usar y de confianza. ¡¡Mi veredicto para la marca es un sobresaliente en todos los aspectos!!.
Kiehl's España
Kiehl's España
From here, I want to thank Kiehl's Spain for the attention received and their interest, along with their gift and consideration given to all the bloggers who assisted the event. On my behalf, I am a true fan of this brand, already tried several of their products and I can say they hook you up so easily. The relation between quality and affordability is wonderful, and the products result to be easy to use and trust worthy. My verdict for the brand is an absolute A+ on all their aspects!!.
Official Kiehl's website.
Official Kiehl's website.
Es una marca con mucho prestigio, yo lamentablemente nunca he probado nada porque no tengo tienda cerca y porque se me va un poquito de presupuesto.
Es una lástima, puesto que, sus productos son maravillosos y muy eficaces. Si alguna vez puedes probarlos, no pierdas la oportunidad :)